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Translating your documents couldn’t be easier. Simply select your document, choose your language, and within seconds your document will be translated.
  • Translates multiple file formats
  • Over 75 Languages
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Turkish is an Asiatic language and the most common among all the Turkic languages with more than 70 million speakers worldwide. The majority of Turkish speaking people live in Turkey, with smaller numbers in countries like Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and other parts of Eastern Europe and Asia.

Being that Turkey is an important player in Eastern Europe there certainly is demand for translating Turkish PDF's to other languages, and vice versa. Government agencies, businesses, and even individuals translate their documents to and from Turkish through one of several different means. The easiest and quickest way to do it is with Babylon 9.

Translate PDF's right on your computer

Babylon 9 is a piece of software developed by an Israeli team who first introduced their product back in 1998. It has been designed to install on your Windows or Mac computer in just a few minutes so that you are up and running in no time. With Babylon, you can translate PDF's to and from a Turkish effortlessly yet accurately.

Babylon is the world's best-selling computer translation program because it just works; it also works very well, by the way. According to the most recent statistics from Babylon Ltd., there are now more than 100 million registered users at corporations, schools, small businesses, healthcare facilities, government agencies, and homes.

Translate PDF's and more

Babylon is an excellent translation tool for your computer because it works with more than just PDF's. While the PDF format might be the most popular for business and government use, the software development team is smart enough to know there are other formats as well. That is why their software works with Microsoft Office and other office suites, leading web browsers and e-mail programs, and almost any other kind of software where text needs to be translated.

However, there is even more. With Babylon 9, you can do more than just simple translations. Look at some of the features the software offers:
  • spell check and proofreading of your translated documents
  • online access to more than 2,000 dictionaries; also Wikipedia in 25 languages
  • conversion of time zones, currencies, and units of measurement
  • audio pronunciation of words using human voices
  • one-click translation and dictionary lookup

Translate PDF's very quickly

Babylon's one-click translation could be the fastest way to translate single words and brief phrases right from your computer. It involves the combination of just one keystroke and a mouse click that brings up a pop-up window with your translated text. It all happened so quickly it almost seems effortless.

How does Babylon work so quickly? The design team has built in some specific features to maximize speed. The first feature is architecture that causes Babylon to run in the background while using very few resources. It almost acts as an operating system process rather than a program. This design allows it to be always at the ready when you need it but staying out of the way when you do not.

The second feature is the software's online access. Rather than storing a ton of information on your hard drive, which slows down your computer and wastes time, Babylon keeps the installation to a minimum and accesses its information online. Whenever your computer is connected to the Internet so is Babylon, always at the ready to get your translations instantly.

For translating PDF's to work from Turkish, there is no easier or simpler way than Babylon 9. Once you try the software for the first time, you will wonder how you managed without it.

Translating PDF documents is an easy task with Babylon translator. Try the software Free download PDF Translate (Download link)


75 Languages
With this free software your documents can be translated to and from all popular languages.
Super fast - one click translate
Don't like waiting? Neither do we. With just one click your documents are instantly translated.
24/7 Support
Dedicated multi-lingual support staff, on hand to help whenever you need.
Full Webpage Translation
Not just documents... We also translate webpages and can assist with live translations.
Made by Industry Leaders
This free software is made by the leading company in translation technologies. You're in safe hands...


  Andrew Lellaby  

  Jean Pierre  

  Hans Klaus  

  Miguel Ramos  

Related pages:    PDF Translator   |    Translation PDF   |    Translate PDF   |    Babylon 9
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