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Translating your documents couldn’t be easier. Simply select your document, choose your language, and within seconds your document will be translated.
  • Translates multiple file formats
  • Over 75 Languages
  • Completely Free
  • Get started in seconds
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Translate Any Language PDFs to Greek

With just 12 million speakers worldwide, Greek is not one of the more popular languages when compared to something like Chinese, which has hundreds of millions of speakers. Nonetheless, translating PDFs from other languages to Greek is something that is needed every day.

Businesses, schools, and government agencies translate all sorts of PDFs to Greek for a variety of purposes. Some hire professional translators while others use computer translation tools. Among those tools, Babylon 9 is the clear leader. All across the globe there are now more than 100 million registered Babylon users.

Translate PDFs from dozens of languages

If you are looking for translation from just the five big languages of English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, and Chinese any translation tool will do. However, if you need to move beyond those five your software choices become limited as the number of languages goes up. Babylon 9 is a clear leader because it supports more than 75 different languages.

With Babylon, you can translate from:
  • Korean, Japanese, Thai
  • German, Swedish, Danish
  • Arabic, Hindi, Hebrew
  • Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian
Because of the number of languages the software supports the possible applications of Babylon are almost limitless. For example, consider a genealogist trying to trace the roots of a client back to the ancient Middle East or northern Africa. Any historical documents that person finds could be translated into Greek for easier reading.

Translate any language PDFs at the office

The biggest users of the Babylon software are corporations and government agencies. Corporations use the software routinely for sales reports, marketing materials, meeting notes, management memos, employee documents, and so on. It is especially important to corporations that work with clients in multiple countries.

Government entities are also prime candidates for Babylon due to the nature of international government cooperation. Moreover, in an era where most of Europe is interacting with Greece on a regular basis having the ability to translate any language PDFs to Greek is very important.

At home, you will find Babylon to be equally useful. You can use it for historical document translation, educational purposes, or to trace your own family tree. You can even use it to learn to read and write a different language right alongside audio-based resources.

Translate the language PDFs and more

Because of the potential number of applications for Babylon, it was important for the development team behind the software to include support for more than just PDF documents. In so doing, they created a program that works with most third-party PDF readers as well as office suites like Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and more.

With that being said, Babylon is more than just a document translator. Online you can use it to translate complete websites and e-mails. Off-line you can use it for raw text files, spreadsheets, or even e-books. Between the program's one-click and copy-and-paste translation options, it will work with just about any program on your Windows or Mac computer.

Whether at home or in the office there is no better computer-based translation solution then Babylon 9. It provides the most accurate and up-to-date translations, from virtually any language to Greek, in a way that is fast, easy, and extremely affordable.

Translating PDF documents is an easy task with Babylon translator. Try the software Free download PDF Translate (Download link)


75 Languages
With this free software your documents can be translated to and from all popular languages.
Super fast - one click translate
Don't like waiting? Neither do we. With just one click your documents are instantly translated.
24/7 Support
Dedicated multi-lingual support staff, on hand to help whenever you need.
Full Webpage Translation
Not just documents... We also translate webpages and can assist with live translations.
Made by Industry Leaders
This free software is made by the leading company in translation technologies. You're in safe hands...


  Andrew Lellaby  

  Jean Pierre  

  Hans Klaus  

  Miguel Ramos  

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